Friday, July 06, 2007

International Herald Tribune Editorial - American justice denied

International Herald Tribune Editorial - American justice denied
Copyright by The International Herald Tribune
Published: July 5, 2007

In the 1960s, Chief Justice Earl Warren presided over a U.S. Supreme Court that interpreted the Constitution in ways that protected the powerless - racial and religious minorities, consumers, students and criminal defendants. At the end of its first full term, Chief Justice John Roberts's court is emerging as the Warren court's mirror image.

Time and again the court has ruled, almost always 5-4, in favor of corporations and powerful interests while slamming the courthouse door on individuals and ideals that truly need the court's shelter.

President George W. Bush created this radical new court with two appointments in quick succession: Roberts to replace Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Samuel Alito to replace the far less conservative Sandra Day O'Connor.

The Roberts court's resulting sharp shift to the right began to be strongly felt in this term. It was on display, most prominently, in the school desegregation ruling last week. The Warren court, and even the Rehnquist court of two years ago, would have upheld the integration plans that Seattle and Louisville, Kentucky, voluntarily adopted. But the Roberts court, on a 5-4 vote, struck them down, choosing to see the 14th Amendment's equal-protection clause - which was adopted for the express purpose of integrating blacks more fully into society - as a tool for protecting white students from integration.

On campaign finance, the court handed a major victory to corporations and wealthy individuals - again by a 5-4 vote - striking down portions of the law that reined in the use of phony issue ads. The ruling will make it easier for corporations and lobbyists to buy the policies they want from Congress.t;

The flip side of the court's boundless solicitude for the powerful was its often contemptuous attitude toward common folks looking for justice. It ruled that an inmate who filed his appeal within the deadline set by a federal judge was out of luck, because the judge had given the wrong date - a shockingly unjust decision that overturned two court precedents on missed deadlines.

When Roberts was nominated, his supporters insisted that he believed in "judicial modesty," and that he could not be put into an ideological box. But Alito and he, who voted together in a remarkable 92 percent of non-unanimous decisions, have charted a thoroughly predictable archconservative approach to the law. Roberts said that he wanted to promote greater consensus, but he is presiding over a court that is deeply riven.

In the term's major abortion case, the court upheld - again by a 5-4 vote - the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, even though the court struck down a nearly identical law in 2000. In the term's major church-state case, the court ruled 5-4 that taxpayers challenging the Bush administration's faith-based initiatives lacked standing to sue, again reversing well-established precedents. In a few cases, notably ones challenging the Bush administration's hands-off approach to global warming and executions of the mentally ill, Justice Anthony Kennedy broke with the conservative bloc. But that did not happen often enough.

It has been decades since the most privileged members of society - corporations, the wealthy, white people who want to attend school with other whites - have had such a successful Supreme Court term. Society's have-nots were not the only losers. The basic ideals of American justice lost as well.

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