Wednesday, February 07, 2007

International Herald Tribune Editorial - Debating a vaccine

International Herald Tribune Editorial - Debating a vaccine
Copyright by The International Herald Tribune
Published: February 6, 2007

Congratulations to Texas for becoming the first U.S. state to require vaccinating young schoolgirls — ages 11 and 12 — against a sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer and genital warts. Other states would be wise to follow the same path.

There is no doubt that Merck's vaccine against the human papillomavirus, given in three shots over eight months, is highly effective. It provides nearly perfect protection against two strains that cause 70 percent of all cases of cervical cancer, and against two other strains that cause 90 percent of genital warts cases. The side effects are generally mild: pain or tenderness at the site of the injection.

Many American parents are appalled at the notion of vaccinating such young girls against a sexually transmitted disease. But the medical reality is that the vaccine will generally not work after a woman has been infected, so it is best for girls to be vaccinated well before they become sexually active. The nation's top advisory committee of immunization experts has recommended that the vaccine be routinely given to girls 11 and 12 years old.

The most contentious issue is whether the shots should be required or simply recommended to parents through a strong educational campaign. Those opposed to compulsory vaccination complain that there are already a slew of required vaccinations, so why heap on another, especially for a disease that is spread only through sexual contact? Critics also fear that HPV vaccination may lead some students to wrongly assume that they are protected against all sexually transmitted diseases, perhaps encouraging them to engage in risky behavior.

None of these objections seem strong enough to forgo the protection against a devastating disease. The United States records some 10,000 new cases of cervical cancer each year, and 3,700 cervical cancer deaths. Governor Rick Perry of Texas, a conservative Republican, has taken an "opt out" approach, in which vaccination is required but parents can seek an exemption for reasons of conscience or religious beliefs.

That makes sense to us. All students deserve protection against HPV infection, and the presumption should be that they will get it.

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